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Author Archives: chaymae

17 Mai 2018

Fella Malou – Abrstarction Lightpainter

Meet Fella Malou : Fella Malou –  Abstarct Lightpainter Fella, is an Algerian multidisciplinary Artist, passionate about drawing, photography  and light painting with a pronounced taste for Light calligraphy.  Her passion for drawing in one line began at a very young age and when she discovered lightpainting, she led her passion for drawing to a new demotion. She’s evolving at the crossroads of new technologies and art of lightpainting.  For Fella, Lightpainting is an art whose concept is very inspiring. it […]

25 Avr 2018

Atlas Light Art

Live Light Art Show during Atlas Electronic Fest The Atlas Electronic Festival has chosen Ciscoto mark its first edition and  to illuminate its cultural adventure to the honor of electronic music and art. The Festival gives rendez-vous to its fans from this edition, every year. An event submerged in an experience rich in emotion, where nothing is standard. With one purpose, to immerse international visitors in an atmosphere of beauty that goes far beyond music, arts, lifestyle and innovation. For […]

25 Avr 2018

Love’s Callighraphy

« Love » Calligraphy in Lightpainting Real time Light Latin Callighraphy of « Love », a Live Real time creation preformed on beach during Sunset by Cisco Light and Will Light, it’s a poetic performance that show diffrent ways to use the Real time Lightpanting sysrem « Light&Motion »

25 Avr 2018

FIFA Opening Show

Live TV show for the FIFA opening Show : Cisco got to create a spectacular live show for the viewers and the delegations of the participating clubs at the Clubs World Cup. The TV show asked for a Light Painting real-time video show for the international Federation of football association (FIFA).

25 Avr 2018

Fran Cisco – Arabesque Lightpainter

Meet Fran Cisco : François.A – Cisco Light sculptuer Artist “I seek the means to sculpt the light, to clay it, to spread it around a subject to give it a soul. I am a sculptor of light ”. François Alias Cisco is a French light painter artist with a modern and creative vision of photography. He is onFrançois Alias Cisco is a French light-painting artist with a modern and creative vision of photography. He is one of the greatest […]