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Category : Non classé

17 Mai 2018

Fella Malou – Abrstarction Lightpainter

Meet Fella Malou : Fella Malou –  Abstarct Lightpainter Fella, is an Algerian multidisciplinary Artist, passionate about drawing, photography  and light painting with a pronounced taste for Light calligraphy.  Her passion for drawing in one line began at a very young age and when she discovered lightpainting, she led her passion for drawing to a new demotion. She’s evolving at the crossroads of new technologies and art of lightpainting.  For Fella, Lightpainting is an art whose concept is very inspiring. it […]

25 Avr 2018

Love’s Callighraphy

« Love » Calligraphy in Lightpainting Real time Light Latin Callighraphy of « Love », a Live Real time creation preformed on beach during Sunset by Cisco Light and Will Light, it’s a poetic performance that show diffrent ways to use the Real time Lightpanting sysrem « Light&Motion »

25 Avr 2018

Fran Cisco – Arabesque Lightpainter

Meet Fran Cisco : François.A – Cisco Light sculptuer Artist “I seek the means to sculpt the light, to clay it, to spread it around a subject to give it a soul. I am a sculptor of light ”. François Alias Cisco is a French light painter artist with a modern and creative vision of photography. He is onFrançois Alias Cisco is a French light-painting artist with a modern and creative vision of photography. He is one of the greatest […]