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Fella Malou – Abrstarction Lightpainter

Meet Fella Malou :

Fella Malou –  Abstarct Lightpainter

Fella, is an Algerian multidisciplinary Artist, passionate about drawing, photography  and light painting with a pronounced taste for Light calligraphy.  Her passion for drawing in one line began at a very young age and when she discovered lightpainting, she led her passion for drawing to a new demotion. She’s evolving at the crossroads of new technologies and art of lightpainting.  For Fella, Lightpainting is an art whose concept is very inspiring. it allows to realize artistic photos and gives her the possibility to master and control the light. it offers a wide field of creation whether in calligraphy or abstract, what allowed her to develope her own lightpainting style combaning Callighraphy and one Line drawing. The artist Fella exposed her first serie in 2016 under the theme Focus Musical. she has also developed a lightpainting project around the one line drawing. She works currently on artistic installation with Studio lightpainting during : Artistic Meeting, festival, advertising, and Shows …

Fella’s Website : Link
Fella’s Social Page : Link

 Fella’s Gallery

arabic light calligraphy

to draw in a line of the faces

arabic light calligraphy

light calligraphy of Tangier

arabic light calligraphy

a candle illuminates the night

Sanscrit light calligraphy

OM in Sanskrit

Fella’s Light Project :

Light Project : Sage Ramadan’s campagn

Une campagne photo en lightpainting à été le concept choisi pour la campagne d’affichage web de la grande société multinationale éditrice de logiciels dont le siège social se situe à Newcastle, Sage qui a fait appel à Fella Malou

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Light Projet : Bic’s Real time Ad

Pour la Campagne publicitaire du lancement du nouveau produit BIC : Fashion Colors, BIC et l’agence Sigma ont fait appel à l’équipe de Studio lightpainting, pour la réalisation d’une vidéo publicitaire en lightpainting vidéo. Fella Malou a mis a son talent de calligraphe au service de cette réalisation.

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Light Project : Crediz Opening Show



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